06 May 2019


1. Photograph your friends (must be a student at TuHS)
2. High contrast images with large expanses of white or black.
3. Compose in the RULE OF THIRDS.
4. Position your subject so that their face is fully visible and illuminated.
5. Make EIGHT+ different (even slightly) images of three people (total of 24 photographs)

Once you have made the photos, ask your subject the following three questions:
1. What is a secret to happiness?
2. What is your greatest dream?
3. What are you most worried about?

Record the answers (written or audio).
File, email, etc. their EXACT answers to yourself for later reference and use.


Ask that friend (the student) to answer the following:

"What would make TuHS better?"
"What is uniquely TuHS?"

We will print them, and then write, on the photograph, one of the responses from your subject: