12 February 2019

AGENDA, Wed/Feb.13

-Reading Photographs, Part 3
-Photoshop review

1. Your triptychs for both the THREE PHOTOS w/MEANING -and- the UNEXPECTED/UNRECOGNIZABLE  should be posted to your blog and dropped to your corresponding folders on the drive.

2. Make sure you have an invitation to the Team Drive. If you do not, check with me.
3. Make sure you have sent me the URL address to your blog.
4. PHOTOG'S CHOICE #1 - develop, drive & post all 10+ images
   -Write an explanation of your purpose/reason/methods/challenges/successes/failures/love for/etc. your project.

HW (for next class):
Photograph 12+ images of some sort of motion blur
Rationale: To practice the shutter priority setting, and gain more control over the shutter function on your camera.

HW (for next week):
Photograph 24+ images of hands.
Elliott Erwitt